Boys and Behavior: Everything You Need To Know

Are you having trouble with your boy’s behavior? If so, you aren’t alone! Many parents find the issue of behavior and discipline very tough to negotiate with their sons. But help is at hand. Read on for 4 helpful tips and insights:  Clear expectations Firstly,

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Parenting Teen Boys Is…

…Finding deodorant in your freezer, and finding out that there’s a perfectly logical explanation. (“It was melting from being in my car, so I had to firm it up.”) ….Couch cushions on the floor two rooms away from their home couch, because….? … Finding hot

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Seaside Sports To Play With Your Son

Image Source A trip to the seaside can be a great adventure for all the family. However, don’t expect to lounge back and read a book in peace – your kids will want to stay active. When it comes to boys, there are plenty of

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Unique Ways for Your Children to Get Around

The standard bicycle is perhaps the most common gift we give to our children. We either buy them something that helps them get around to visit their friends, or we buy them video games that they’ve been begging us to get for the past few

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Parents Vs The Games Console

Whenever school vacation comes around again, parents often have one big concern: how to stop the games console from consuming their child’s mind. While it’s true that most games and mobile apps have some educational aspects, you still can’t deny the value of getting the kids

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How to Help Your Child Deal With Bullying

If your child isn’t enjoying school, it may because he’s being bullied. When you find out a child is being bullied, you wish you could take their place. However, all you can do is give your child the tools they need to stop it from happening.

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A Mind For Manners

Raising your kids to be polite is like putting the mirror up to yourself and looking at how your manners really are. If you aren’t polite and you seem to exude a lot of rudeness without realizing it, how can you tell your own children

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Higher Education At Home: What Are The Benefits?

At 18-years-old, most children will graduate from high school and head off to college a few months later. Most kids are excited about college and all the change that comes with it, but what if you have homeschooled your child for his entire school life and

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A Sneak Peek at Raising Boys

When you understand why boys do what they do — and can anticipate some of the unique challenges faced by boys today — raising boys is MUCH EASIER! On May 13, 2017, I shared a lot of what I’ve learned about boys (through research, reading

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Building Boys

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