I hear so many parents of boys complain that their boys are lazy and unmotivated. So many parents and educators who tell me that the boys in their life lack drive, persistence and enthusiasm.
These parents and educators are worried because they know that success requires commitment and hard work. They know that resilience, the ability to bounce back from set backs, and persistence, a willingness to keep going in spite of obstacles, are essential life skills. They’re worried that their boys lack these skills, but aren’t sure if it’s even possible to develop these skills in a boy who would rather sit on the couch.
It IS possible, and I’m going to tell you how to do it. I’m currently planning our next teleseminar, Building Boys’ Self-Control, Persistence and Curiosity. It will be recorded, but I want as many people as possible to be able to participate in real time. So I’m asking…
Got a specific question, situation or challenge you’d like me to address in the teleseminar? Leave a comment below or on our FB page.