I missed Wordle Day!
When I signed on for Blogathon 2012, I was particularly looking forward to one theme day: Wordle Day. I was introduced to the concept of a Wordle about a year ago, at the School of the Arts in Rhinelander. The idea that a computer program could take text and turn it into a thematic work of art intrigued me, and I began playing with the program almost immediately. I love the way a Wordle can get to the heart of a text, and in some cases, I’ve even uploaded bits of journal entries, just to see what the main theme is.
I coudn’t wait to see what a Blogging ‘Bout Boys Wordle would look like. But in the busyness of life, I forgot! (Because, you know, painting my kitchen is just so much fun.)
So today, I take a break from my kitchen and my reguarly scheduled blogging to give you a Blogging ‘Bout Boys Wordle. Kind of fun to see what we’ve been talking about, eh?