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Selling Out

After ripping on McDonald’s yesterday, I’m here to admit that I’m a complete hypocrite. Ethically, I think McDonald’s reach into schools is wrong. Ronald McDonald visits, shows and reading programs all introduce very young children to the “wonders” of McDonald’s. And I have a problem

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Guest Post: How Do You Conquer Fear?

Today’s blogger, Amy Rauch Neilson, is another writer I met during the May blogathon. Although we’d never met before, we’re connected on a genetic level: Amy and I are both carriers of genetic mutations known as the “breast cancer genes.” On a happier note, we’re

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“Boy development is trustworthy.” — Michael Thompson, author of It’s a BoyHow often do we worry about our sons? When they’re babies, we worry that they’re not eating enough, that they’re growing too fast or that they’re slow to walk. We worry when their female

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Bedtime for Boys

As far as regular bedtimes go, most of us fall into the “More or Less” camp. I’ll admit: I wasn’t sure what to vote. I’d say we fall somewhere between “More or Less” regular and “No. We have a routine, but…” We try to have

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Guest Blogger: Danielle Buffardi

Please meet another one of the May blogathoners, Danielle Buffardi of Horrible Sanity. (Check it out — I’m guest blogging over there today.) To learn more about Danielle, visit I’m a freelance writer, editor and stay at home mom to my three year old

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Nature, Nurture, or Both?

Boys with the “warrior gene” are more likely to join gangs and act violently. That’s the result of a new study by researchers at Florida State University. Without getting all technical on you, the gene is a variant of the monoamine oxidase A gene (MAOA

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‘Tis the Season

It’s summer — and with summer comes sports. For us, the main sport of the summer is baseball. My husband plays in two softball leagues, one son plays B-Ball (a younger equivalent of Little League) and one plays coach-pitch, a learning version where the coaches

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Kid Quotes

My three-year-old had a particularly dirty nose this morning. “What happened to your nose?” I asked. “How did it get so dirty?” His answer? “I had a lot of the bless-yous.”

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Natural Learning

Today started with no real plan. Boy #3 had speech this morning and gymnastics and baseball scheduled later this afternoon. (I know — I think that sounds like a lot of one kid too. But it’s the last day of speech and the last day

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Building Boys

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