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With all, ahem, respect to Aretha Franklin, this post is about respect. My good friend and fellow blogger, Sarah Ludwig (remember her from the blogathon?) is running a wonderful contest on her blog, Parenting By Trial and Error. She’s giving away a book called The

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Boys & Depression

Have you heard about this study yet? Seems even preschoolers get depressed these days. Our national mythology tells us childhood is a happy time, but that’s just so not for a lot of kids. (Take these boys, for instance.) Is it possible that some of

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Boys & Depression

Have you heard about this study yet? Seems even preschoolers get depressed these days. Our national mythology tells us childhood is a happy time, but that’s just so not for a lot of kids. (Take these boys, for instance.) Is it possible that some of

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Road Trip!

The reason for no post yesterday? I was on the road, four boys in tow. While I was looking forward to our destination (a scenic town by the Mississippi River), I was not looking forward to the trip. Just one day before departure, I loaded

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Why Won’t Boys Read?

Richard Whitmire has a great post about boys and reading on Why Boys Fail. Basically, he says video games and peer pressure are not the cause of boys’ poor reading skills. Poor teaching is. I think he’s onto something. I don’t mean to imply that

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The No-Cry Potty Training Solution

As you know, I’m leery of any potty training method that promises too much. I don’t believe you can train your child in a day or three days, and I don’t believe that a miracle intervention is all that stands between you, your son and

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Potty Training Poll

The results are in! It looks like most of our boys were trained by age 3 — but also that there’s a wide variation in ages for potty training. christinemm had a question, though, and she brings up a good point: A note on the

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It All Comes Back to the Boys

This week, I had the privilege of being a guest on The Morning Blend, a Milwaukee-area morning talk show. I was there to talk about the Horicon Marsh, a 32,000 acre Wetland of International Importance that has been compared to the Florida Everglades. The Horicon

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Building Boys

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