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One of the most interesting things about Lisa Rivero’s gifted education workshop is that she encourages parents to examine themselves for gifted traits. Giftedness rarely occurs in a vacuum; if a child is gifted, chances are one of both parents are too. Indeed, like my

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Gifted = MORE

The issues that concern me have more to do with emotions and balance. My son is often highly-intense,easily frustrated, and negative. Sound like anyone at your house? The above comment, from a mom of boys, reminded me of my oldest son — and of a

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Twice Exceptional

Imagine instinctively solving advanced math equations in your head — but struggling to read the word “multiplication.” Or mentally composing elaborate plays that you can’t write down. Imagine your frustration. Imagine your humiliation. Imagine life in a world that focuses on your weaknesses and ignores

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Boys & Boy Toys

I started down the Path of Parenthood with few, if any, toys. We got a stuffed Tigger for our oldest son’s birth, but that was about it. Twelve years and four boys later, our toy room is a stereotypical boy haven. In one corner, Tonka

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She Said It Better…

…than I ever could. The evening sent me spinning.Dizzy from the nonstopnarration,instruction,preventionthat I holler out, like a caller at a square dancefor feral cats. The words are genius, a beautiful word picture of events and emotions all too familiar to moms and dads. Head on

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Crafting in Clay

Our drive home from the orthodontist turned into an impromptu art class. For some inexplicable reason, Boy #3 brought along some modeling clay. He crafted a bullet out of his clay and showed it to his brothers, who promptly told him everything that was wrong

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The Benefit of Brothers

My six-year-old recently told me, “You know what the good thing about having four brothers is? When we’re all grown up, if a dude picks on us, we can take him down!” He hesitated for a moment, then added, “And we’ll have lots of practice

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Dollars and Cents

A 2010 headline claimed that boys are better savers than girls. What do you think? It’s an intriguing topic, partly because of the possible stereotypical implications: Boys are good with money. Girls go out and spend it. I think there’s more to the story. The

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Teaching Boys to Write

In 2010, a headline blared, “Three-year-old boys should be made to write to stop gender gap.” Officials in the UK, well-aware of the academic achievement gap that continues to exist between boys and girls, particulary in the area of writing, recommended that three-year-old boys do more writing and

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Thank You!

Thanks to your votes and support, Blogging ‘Bout Boys has been named a… Thank you, Alasandra, for hosting the contest. Please head to Alasandra’s Homeschool Blog to check out the other winners!

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Building Boys

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