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All Boys?

Moms of all boys face a special challenge beyond the fart jokes, the fashion issues and the flatulence. Every day, when we go out into the world with our sons, we face the preconception that a family is just not a family until it contains

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Do Clothes Make the Mom?

Fashion is not a big deal in our house. As the only female in a house full of boys, I’ve come to accept — and even appreciate — the overwhelmingly blue stacks of laundry. I wander past the girls’ clothing sections in the mall and

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How Can I Help You?

I’m at the annual conference of the American Society of Journalists and Authors in NYC. (Yes, I caught a show. “Next to Normal” is fabulous!) Social media is a hot topic this conference, and I’ve thought about this blog a lot. I haven’t exactly been

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Boys & Business

What do your boys know about the world of business? Most boys (mine included) are excellent consumers, thanks to the miracle of television ads. But what do they know about the other side of the transaction? Do your boys have any idea what it takes

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Boys & Business

What do your boys know about the world of business? Most boys (mine included) are excellent consumers, thanks to the miracle of television ads. But what do they know about the other side of the transaction? Do your boys have any idea what it takes

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Snapshot Sunday: First Demonstration Speech

I love 4H. Beyond giving kids an opportunity to explore multiple interests under adult mentors, 4H stresses public speaking skills from an early age. In our county, every 4H member, from first-year Cloverbuds to practically-graduated high school seniors, must give a demonstration speech every year.

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Myths of Gifted Education

Gifted boys have it tough. Being smart is still not considered cool for a boy. (Or a girl, for that matter.) But beyond the social stereotyping, far too many gifted boys and their parents face a host of myths about gifted kids and education. Too

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Who Needs Textbooks?

This is the box of crackers I bought for my boys, for no other reason than A) they love them and B) the crackers were on sale. (If I’m honest, I’ll have to tell you that Reason B trumped Reason A. Reason A is true

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It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? First, life got busy, then blogging got hard. You know how it’s hard to go back to the gym when you’ve been away awhile? Seems blogging is like that too! But tonight, my Mom and Dad returned from their winter

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Schools Failing Boys

Too many boys are failing in school, and a new report suggests that the fault may lie with the schools. According to a report by the Center for Education Policy, boys  lag firmly behind girls when it comes to reading. And while boys used to

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Building Boys

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