12 Creative Ways To Keep Your Boys Busy On A Rainy Day

Finding way to keep boys busy on a rainy day can be…challenging. Especially if said rainy day falls on a school holiday or coincides with a work-from-home day for mom or dad!

A bit of creativity can help you survive a rainy (or snowy) day. And who knows? Some of these indoor activities might just become new family favorites, making even the gloomiest of days bright and memorable.

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Indoor Camping Adventure

Who doesn’t love a camping adventure? Imagine for a moment an indoor campsite right in your living room. It’s easy! Grab some blankets, yank a few chairs around, and voilà—a tent. Throw in a campfire loop on the TV and maybe a small fan to mimic a gentle breeze. Who needs the great outdoors when you can have just as much fun inside? Plus, storytelling and shadow puppets by flashlight? Always a hit. They’ll be talking about this campout till the next real one! Don’t forget to bring in some snacks and maybe even a board game to play inside the tent, making it feel just like a real camping trip.

DIY Science Lab

Okay, here’s one for the aspiring scientists: Grab some common kitchen items and let’s get experimenting. You could watch a volcano erupt with nothing but some baking soda and vinegar. Or, if they’re into the gooey stuff, slime is just a mix away with some glue and borax. Watch their eyes light up with each successful ‘experiment’—it’s priceless! It’s like having a little mad scientist in your own home. Plus, the clean-up is a breeze if you lay down some newspaper first, and it teaches them about following steps and the magic of chemistry.

Culinary Creations

Boys in the kitchen—it’s messy, it’s chaotic, and it’s an absolute blast. Why not spend the day baking cookies or let them top their own pizzas? It’s a delicious way to learn some kitchen skills, and the best part? You all get to eat the results. Talk about a tasty payoff! This could become their new favorite hobby. And as they get the hang of measuring and mixing, they’re learning math and science without even realizing it. Plus, they can express their creativity by decorating cupcakes or designing their pizza toppings.

Art And Craft Station

If your kids enjoy being creative you could set up a nook with all the artsy stuff you can find—papers, paints, brushes, you name it. Maybe they’ll craft some cool holiday cards or figure out how to turn recyclables into a robot. It’s amazing what a few supplies and a whole lot of imagination can do to fill the day. You’ll be amazed at what they can create with just a few simple tools. And if you join in, it’s a wonderful way to connect and spend quality time together. Maybe you’ll find yourself getting just as lost in the creativity as they do!

Indoor Obstacle Course

Now if you have a couple of live wire kids, why not burn some of that endless energy? Construct a simple obstacle course using pillows for mountains and jump ropes for rivers. They’ll be jumping, crawling, and giggling through the course, and they’ll sleep well tonight! Plus, setting it up can be just as much fun as running through it. Each obstacle can teach them a little about problem solving and physics, like how to build a stable pillow fort or how fast they need to run to jump over a makeshift lava pool.

Treasure Hunt

There’s nothing like a good old treasure hunt to spice up a dreary day. Hide some ‘treasure’ around the house, plant some cryptic clues, and watch as they turn into little detectives. It’s fun and gets their brains buzzing! The anticipation of finding the next clue adds excitement to their adventure. And each clue that leads to another can weave a story, maybe of pirates or explorers, which only adds to the mystique and fun of their hunt.

Board Game Marathon

This one is a rainy holiday classic, and for good reason. Breaking out the board games is a great way to have an awesome day indoors. Whether it’s the strategic depths of chess or a crazy game of Catan, board games can captivate for hours. They’re perfect for learning, laughing, and making the most of staying indoors. Sometimes, a good board game can teach them strategy and patience better than any classroom. And when you bring out snacks and maybe some fun music, it turns into a real party atmosphere right there in the living room.

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Home Theater

A childhood memory will be unlocked with a home movie night! Turn your living room into a theater: lay out some comfy cushions, pop some popcorn, and print out some homemade tickets to unlock every special memory. Whether it’s action-packed adventures or cartoon marathons, it’s a very relaxed but also exciting way to enjoy the day together. It’s the ultimate way to enjoy a blockbuster cinema experience without leaving your couch. Half way through, take a break and make bets about what’s about to happen next. Winner of the bet gets to choose the next movie. 

Dance Party

Do you have restless kids at home? It’s time for a dance-off party! Put on their favorite playlists and shake up the living room. It’s a fun way to burn off some of that extra energy, and who knows, you might just find yourself joining in. Make it fun by adding bonus points for the best costume at the dance party! And if you have a gaming console, dance video games can also be a great way to guide the dancing and keep everyone laughing and competing in friendly dance-offs.

DIY Workshop

If you have the space available to you, setting up a workshop can be a fantastic outlet for creativity. Simple woodworking projects like DIY birdhouses or even putting together a kite can be very exciting. They’ll learn to handle tools under your guidance and feel proud of what they’ve made. The focus required can also provide an amazing learning experience. And as they paint and personalize their crafty creations, they learn about design and aesthetics, too, giving them a full spectrum of skills from practical to artistic.

Educational Apps And Games

When the kids need a bit of downtime, why not let educational apps take the lead? There’s a whole bunch of apps available that can teach them everything from math to chess to music, and they won’t even realize they’re learning! These apps are perfect for quiet time when they need to wind down. And the interactive nature of many of these learning apps keeps the boys engaged and eager to conquer the next level, whether they’re solving puzzles or learning history.


Last but most definitely not least, why not curl up with a good book? Set up a cozy corner, pile up the cushions, maybe make a blanket fork, and start reading some great stories together. Reading together or alone, it’s a quiet, enriching way to round off a rainy holiday. Introducing them to new worlds through stories can spark a lifelong love of reading. And with each book, they can travel to far-off lands, meet intriguing characters, and head off on grand adventures, all from the comfort of home.

So, take your pick from these twelve fun, fabulous ways to keep those boys busy and bright, even when the weather’s not on your side. Who knew staying in could be this much fun? Let these ideas spark even more of your own, and you’re sure to be in for the best time! The memories made on these days will often be cherished just as much as those made under the sun.

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The Building Boys Bulletin

The Building Boys Bulletin Newsletter gives you the facts, encouragement, and inspiration you need to help boys thrive. Written by Jennifer L.W. Fink, mom of four sons and author of Building Boys: Raising Great Guys in a World That Misunderstands Males, Building Boys Bulletin includes:

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“I learned a lot about helping boys thrive over the past 20+ years — most of it the hard way! I’m eager to share what I’ve learned to make your path a little easier.”   – Jennifer

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